Sunday, 25 March 2012

Bhai Rajoana Sahibs Sister

As for what Leaders are doing, they dont even MEET or TALK to Penji. Just call her and confirm this. While others who do are doing their own thing.
Dont think I am picking on someone. This is from STATUS of Veer Avtar Singh Ji. Please read and see what's happening ---

''I spoke to Bhein jee Kamaldeep Kaur. She is so upset with everyone playing politics with Veer jee`s situation. Giani Gurmukh Singh---Head Granthi of Akaal Takhat has asked her to take off the internet site asking for help for Veer jee and not tell Veer Rajoana about it and in turn she will be rewarded with a mansion. Sangat jee, they are trying to buy her silence and asking her to betray Veer Rajoana. Baba Daduvaal has arranged for people to impress upon Veer Rajoana`s chacha and brother and other villagers to agree to file an appeal in order to break the stand of Veer that he won`t file an appeal. She said that when Singh Sahibaans went to meet Veer Rajoana, Veer told them that he is willing to accept shaheedee but on one condition that Singh Sahibans will use his head as a Khanda to expose the atrocities of Delhi and as he was saying these lines , Giani Trilochan Singh was yawning and completely ignoring him. I have recorded part of the conversation( the issues were too complex and thanks to my wife who provided IPHONE during the conversation to record ). Bhein jee has given full consent that I can share the audio with the sangat. Bhein jee says that Giani Gurbachan singh has stopped picking up her phones. These people are intent on maligning the image of Veer Rajoana before killing him . She wants sangat to know the truth. Veer Rajoana continues to be committed to Akaal Takhat but these People also need to rise to the occasion.''

1 comment:

Anonymous said...