Monday, 26 October 2009

Get off your ass!

The British National Party (known for nazi/fascist views and policies) has come into the spotlight recently in the UK, since they featured on BBC's Question Time. Now, I don't disagree with the principle that these views should be listened to - else how else can we counter them? Voltaire said something like 'I dissaprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it...' We live in a democracy and as such we have to respect other peoples rights to freedom of speech. However, it is widely known that the BNP's views insight hatred much like the many 'islamic militant fundamentalists' they oppose, the only difference is the BNP is a political party! Therefore their right to say things on a public platform is quite controversial (as I'm sure you can imagine)...

Then again if we don't let these views come to the platform; they''ll end up being forced underground; will create more anonymous support; and hatred will spread; with violence increasing.

If we expose their policies and show them up for the sham that they are, we can do a lot more.

Also, it is the responsibility of every BNP-hating person out there to stand up and take some responsibility. Throwing eggs will not make a difference, but work against us in the sense that we create sympathy for these...fiends. We can talk about this in our own little communities and all of us can repeat the same message - 'screw the BNP' , 'sod the BNP' blah blah blah, but we won't get anywhere.

The only way to counter the BNP is to fight back with brains and not brawn. Go to a primary school and/or a high school and do a talk about tolerance! Talk about the many different people, religions, ethinicities we have in this beautiful world. Talk about humanity. We are ONE. We have to educate people from a 'grass root level' or the next generation will follow in the BNP/NF footsteps. We need to spread a message of peace and love and tolerance. All British people, no matter what colour or creed should stand up united against these people.

Most of the people who voted for them tend to be ignorant and poorly educated. They are prejudiced from the beginning.

And don't just go to schools where the population is already pretty diverse - kids are smart, they already tend to be pretty accepting here - go to schools in the middle of nowhere , where they haven't seen a coloured person 'cept on TV. Go to places like Bristol - where racism with youths is rampant.

We can fight this! We just have to get off our asses and make the change ourselves. There's no use in moaning when the storm has already passed and we're picking up the pieces. Think ahead!

It is not mine but YOUR responsibility. YOU are going to do something about it. I will tell you exactly what to do, I will give you the tools but YOU can't wait for someone else to solve this problem. That is why we have a situation we have toda...y. The world does not know about us because we as individuals wait for our community or leaders to do our job. But who is the community, who are the leaders ? It is YOU and I. (Angad Singh Atlanta, Georgia - 16 year old peace activist)


eehaa khaatt chalahu har laahaa aagai basan suhaelaa 1

In this world, earn the profit of the Lord's Name, and hereafter, you shall dwell in peace. 1


Monday, 19 October 2009

Leave a mark

I was thinking some, I guess 'depressing', thoughts today for some inexplicable reason. I was thinking. I'm a member of twitter, facebook, a blogger and have a lot of "friends" overseas through things like msn, yahoo etc. So I was thinking if I died today, none of them would ever know.

My status would probably stay the same on Facebook and twitter and I've left my blog alone for long periods of time before, so nothing new there eh? Nobody would ever know that I passed away.

That's when Bani really hit me. We talk about how short-term and inpermanent this life is, but I've never truthfully taken it seriously before. I don't think I'm afraid of death, rather I'm afraid...of the prospect of leaving nothing behind.

I'm not self-conceted. I don't want loads of mourners at my funeral or anything like that. But I think I don't want to leave this world having left nothing good behind for me to feel good about...I want to leave a mark (in the good way - not the psychotic Hitler way).

Before any of you start I know that that's not the reason for us being in this world. I do know that. We're here to merge with the Greatest. I know that.

But I consider my 'mark' to be my second priority. And I WILL leave one.

We're footprints in sand close to the shore. We feel firm and bold at first, but slowly we merge with the rest of the beach and we're no more.

pRB kY ismrin dUKu jmu nsY ]

prabh kai simaran dhookh jam nasai

Remembering God, the pain of death is dispelled

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Bandi Chhor and Divali

Taken from a facebook message sent to me today. Today is the auspicious occassion of Bandi Chhor Divas (the day of emancipation.)

Divali – Keeping the flame of freedom alight Sikhs throughout the globe will celebrate Divali in October. Divas/lamps will be alight, a jovial festival atmosphere will prevail. Sweets and samosas will be enjoyed, fireworks will set alight the moonlit sky. But why do we really celebrate? Apart from the annual calendar significance? What does Divali mean for us as Sikhs?

The sixth Guru, Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Jee was falsely imprisoned for spurious reasons by the Mughal Emperor Jahangir. After some months it was declared that Guru Jee could walk free. Like Guru Jee there were other prisoners of conscience in Gwalior Fort (the prison), specifically 52 Hindu Kings who made a heartfelt plea to Guru Jee begging him to negotiate their release also. The ocean of mercy Guru Jee listened attentively to their plea and showered his grace upon them and told them not to worry and that he would negotiate their release.Guru Jee told the Emperor he would only leave the prison on the condition that the 52 Hindu Kings are freed also.

The Emperor being a man entangled in his own ego and pride of intelligence, replied that Guru Jee could walk free with as many Kings who could hold onto his clothing on the day of his release. Guru the fountain of knowledge easily got around the condition by getting a robe tailored with 52 tassels on it. On the day of His release Guru Jee walked out of Gwalior Fort with all 52 Hindu Kings holding onto one tassel each, this auspicious occasion is referred to as “Bandi Shorr Divas – the day of emancipation.” Guru Jee did not only free the 52 Hindu Kings from prison, He also showered His grace upon them and freed them from the transmigration of the soul, freeing them from the cycle of births and deaths.

Each and everyone of us also begs for this freedom: forsaking all other doors I have come to your door. Preserve my honour by offering the support of your arm, liberate me, I am your humble servant. (Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee)I have come to the sanctuary of the formless and emancipating Lord, who destroys all sufferings. (Sri Guru Arjan Dev Jee, ang 624 – Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee) May Guru Jee bless us with spiritual and physical liberation also. Bandhi Shorr Divas was months prior to Divali. Upon release from Gwalior Fort Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Jee made a tour of Delhi and other regions, then arrangements to go to Sri Darbar Sahib (Golden Temple), Amritsar were made. When he reached Amritsar Sahib it was Divali and the Sikhs celebrated the release of Guru Jee with fireworks and festivities.

Relevance today:

The world over there are countless prisoners of consciousness, held under false fabricated charges and/or those held for standing up for justice, freedom and righteousness. Please light a candle for these prisoners, non-Sikhs and Sikhs, don’t forget Guru Jee’s example offreeing Hindu Kings. He was benevolent, humane and had a profound love for one and all, may we develop such divine virtues. May we all endeavour to assist and support such prisoners and at the very least we can all make a heartfelt prayer that Guru Jee blesses all prisoners with Chardi Kala/High Spirits.One cannot begin to imagine losing freedom of movement and action, we can only try to empathise with such prisoners. Regardless of the regime and it’s tyranny, no man-made authority can imprison the Sikh Spirit and Sikhs still happily go to the gallows for standing up for justice, freedom and righteousness. The Sikh Spirit cannot be imprisoned.

Prominent Sikhs currently imprisoned include Dr. Davinderpal Singh Bhullar, Bhai Deya Singh Lahoria, Bhai Balwant Singh, Bhai Paramjeet Singh Bheora, Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara, Bhai Paramjeet Singh Dhadhi and the list goes on and on.

Just imagine being the parent of a child who entered militancy or quite simply ‘disappeared’ in the 80’s and 90’s in Punjab. Many of these parents light a candle at Divali, praying and wishing that the light of hope may still bless them with a vision of a fit and well son or daughter. Or they pray in despair that may God nurture their offspring wherever they may be. So when you light a candle and eat a sweet at Divali, please spare a thought, that you are free and are not bound by the restraints of prison life. Lest we forget, lets light a lamp to ensure the rays of freedom shine through all of humanity.

ahinis bhagath karae dhin raathee houmai maar nicha(n)dh

Night and day, they perform devotional worship, day and night; subduing their ego, they are carefree...

Guroo Amar Daas Ji 29

Harjinder Singh

Wednesday, 14 October 2009


People say that sikhs are blind. Sikhs aren't blind. They pretend to be. Rather, they are asleep - and need to wake up! A lot of people have e-mailed me (anonomously can I add) about 1984 recently. Perhaps it's because I'm not a 'typical' Khalistani, so they think they can influence my opinions with outrageous propaganda and popicock (to use the nice word). They ACTUALLY believe Sikhs had it coming and that we were behaving like terrorists! This hurts a lot. Albeit I was not born at this time, fine. And, true I'm not the 'typical' Khalistani but that does not mean I don't have a connection with every man, woman and child who was brutally murdered at the hands of tyrants (to say the least). That doesn't mean that I don't support and respect Sant Jarnail Singh and the other Shaheeds. I'm not going to go into the history of Bluestar. There are a billion websites that would do it more justice. But I HAVE to say. It was an unprecedented attack on innocent people (pilgrims actually), planned WELL before it took place, systematically to suppress (if not wipe out) sikhs. No matter what anyone says, the Army was not justified to even set foot in Punjab. Congress has a lot of questions to answer.

The Delhi Riots were NOT riots. There's significant evidence which supports the fact that they were planned in advance with the support of the ruling Congress Party members. Come on, why else were trucks of gasoline, iron bars and machetes brought into the city within moments of Indhira Gandhi's inevitable death, I wouldn't be surprised if they left for their destinations before she died! (but that's just my 2 cents ;P) AND, on top of it all - there were lists of almost every sikh dwelling and business in Delhi! I mean guys seriously, if you're telling me it was 'spur of the moment''re seriously deluded.

So this goes out to all the 'sikhs' and 'hindus' out there who sent me a barrage of e-mails after my last "anti-typical khalistani" post....

WAKE UP! Open your eyes and SEE, don't look, SEE...

bhram mehi soee sagal jagath dhha(n)dhh a(n)dhh

The whole world is asleep in doubt; it is blinded by worldly entanglements.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Shahid e Azam

In honour of Amar Shaheed Bhagat Singh Ji's 101st birthday (which I know, was last month); I've decided to post about his sacrifice and what it means to me.

I feel like not enough people know about Bhagat Singh. For me, he was my greatest inspiration - even more than Sri Guroo Gobind Singh Ji and all. It's mostly because I read and researched Bhagat Singh well before learning anything about Sikhi.

Bhagat Singh filled me with the urge and passion to make a difference in India. After learning about his eternal sacrifice, I don't think I could handle it if I did absolutely nothing to try and make India even a smidge better. Bhagat Singh died with the belief that he would make the youth in India 'rise to the occassion'. In some respects it happened, but after 1947, Indians have become complacent, India is not free, despite the removal of the British. All Indians are a slave to themselves and to it's tyrannical government. India is one of the most corrupt countries in the world depsite it's being the 'largest democracy'. I'm sure Bhagat Singh would 'turn in his grave' if he saw what's going on right now.

Bhagat Singh was in favour of secularism and socialism. Now, I'm not really a socialist (because I don't think that mankind is quite ready for socialism), but I suppose I do have some socialist values - I suppose quite in line with traditional Labour views....but I'm a secularist despite being and amritdhari sikh (ironic eh).

People always ask me "Why are you not Khalistani? What has 'mother India' ever done for her Sikhs? What about all those Shaheed sikhs slaughtered by their fellow brothers in the 1980's-90's?"

To tell you the truth, my answers seem weak to those people, but to me they are what keep me going. Belief in that such a bad thing? How can you look into the face of an impoverished child and ignore him, simply because he is not sikh or a khalistani? or because his father may have been a rioter? I hate to use the phrase 'to tarr all with the same brush is an injustice' - but it's TRUE. I believe in a Khalistan (a land of the pure) to some extent. But not what the common idea of Khalistan is (read previous post on Khalistan for more info).

India is really a glorious place, and despite what many sikhs belief, it consists of much more than just Punjab :O I love India and I love Indians. I have so many Indian friends from all over the subcontinent - Gujurat, Goa, Mumbai, Tamil Nadu, Bangalore, Delhi, Bihar, Calcutta and more. And, despite a common misconception, not all Indians hate's true, I swear!

The problem with India is the Government and it's Institutions , as well as the Police. The judiciary is BEGINNING to become more independent but it's taking time. I know it sounds so simple and easy to say but if every child/youth (and there's a HECK of a lot) cut down on the bollywood films and desi clubbing and drugging; and got up and joined the police force, judiciary, government etc. then India would change a heck of a lot faster. The problem is persuading people to do this. The typical 'what can vone man do yaar?' comes out and the revolution has ended before it's started....And yet when you go on Youtube and Internet Forums you read the posts from Internet warriors who are ready to fight to the death in support of Truth...I wish we could all practise what we preach (including me, before you say it).

It's so easy to sit in the UK and USA and whatever and say these things I know. But until I can do my part physically, this is how I'm going to do it... haha with 'Internet Parchaar'. If I can inspire just ONE person, then I'm content. This is my seva. You can take it or leave it.

Focussing on helping Sikhs is not a bad thing either! I really rate the people going out to India everyday to help the Widows as a result of the Delhi Riots, the people getting youths off of drugs in Punjab, helping the families of Shaheeds and much more.

I think it's just human nature to serve those we have some kind of common identity or affiliation with.

Baghat Singh, Batukeshwar Dutt, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Chandrashekar Azad, Ramprasad Bismil, Ashfaqullah Khan, Roshan Singh, Rajendra Lahiri, Kartar Singh Sarabha and many more fought for the freedom and spirit of ALL Indians and in their honour, so do I. Haha I know these are big words coming from a 19 year old, but Bhagat Singh was only 24 years old when he tasted the cold steel of martyrdom.

Inquilaab Zindaabad.

Some interesting films (if you don't like reading haha) on Bhagat Singh and more :

'The Legend Of Bhagat Singh' by Rajkumar Santoshi

'Rang De Basanti' by Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra
'Yuva' by Mani Ratnam


'Why Am I An Atheist' by Bhagat Singh

Friday, 9 October 2009

Sri Guroo Raam Daas Ji

Sri Guroo Raam Daas Ji born, Jetha....Vaheguroo, what can I say about such a true Mahatma (great soul) i'm not going to go into His whole life story as so many websites are available which would be able to do a better job.

Today is a special day as it is Guroo Ji's Avtaar Purab - the day that Guroo Ji came into this world.

Through His love and devotion Jetha became Guroo Raam Daas as Guroo Amar Daas' successor who subsequently continued the building of what we now know as Amritsar (was then Raamdaaspur)....Guroo Ji encouraged His sikhs to partake in the joy and sorrow of others and not only quiet meditation; this is also a way of ridding the soul of Ego - which seperates us from the One.

Guroo Ji kept a veeery long beard- as many of the subsequent paintings of him illustrate.

One day Sri Chand - Sri Guroo Naanak Dev Ji's eldest son who was the leader of the Udaasi Sect (ascetics) came to visit Guroo Ji. Baba Sri Chand asked Guroo Ji, in an aim to try and belittle him, why he kept such a long beard? Sri Guroo Raam Daas Ji's reply was as follows:

"So I that I can wipe the dust off of the feet of Holy men such as yourself."

He then proceeded to perform this supreme act of humility...before Baba Sri Chand could stop him and embrace him, explaining, "That's enough. So, this is why I have been deprived of my ancestral heritage - through behaviour and humilty such as this. Now, what more is left of me, that I could offer you for your piety and goodness of heart?"

(Baba Sri Chand had been angry at having Gurooship passed over him when Sri Guroo Nanak dev his father initiated Sri Guroo Angad Dev Ji as successor. Hoping to alter the direction that his father had set down for His sikhs, Baba Sri Chand attempted to install himself as the second Guroo.)

Sri Guroo Raam Daas, I believe is the supreme inspiration of many Western Sikhs - much like Sri Guroo Nanak Dev Ji and Sri Guroo Gobind Singh Ji are to others. But Guroo Ji has a place in all of our hearts for many different reasons.

Dhan Dhan Raam Daas Gur, Jin Siriyaa Thine Suvaariaa

Blessed, Blessed is Guroo Raam Daas, He who created You, exalted You.

Pooree Hooee Karaaamaath Aap Sirajanehaare Dhaaria

Perfect is Your miracle; the Creater Lord Himself has installed You on the throne.

listen live to kirtan at Sri Guroo Raam Daas Ashram Espanola:

Kirpan Update

Here Ye, Here Ye....Let it be known that with Maharaj's Beant Kirpa and the support of United Sikhs and other Gupt Sangata(n)...I am allowed to carry on wearing my Kirpan at University! The diversity officer at Oxford Brookes University supported my appeal and also confirmed my rights as per UK laws. A big thank you to all those involved.

I've the understanding that a secondary school pupil, J Singh, recently was not as fortunate as I in a similar matter at a Barnet (UK) school.... my love, prayers and support go out to you....may vaheguroo help you in this difficult time, as I know how frustrating it can be.

ho maan thaan karo thaeraa ho jaano aapaa

I stand tall: You are my strength. I know that you are mine.