Friday, 26 September 2008

Whose blood is this?

I'm taking Politics in college at the moment. It's by far the best course I've ever taken...I think it's my teacher...It's nice to be able to talk to someone who knows what they're on about. It's the very first time I've some across someone who's not asian, who knows a little about Khalistan!

We had a conversation the other day on my stance on the issue. It took me a while to was as if I just couldn't say 'no, I'm not Khalistani...' nor could I say 'yes, I am a khalistani' But I told him this...'I believe in a Khalistan...but it knows no's beyond Sikhs, Hindus or Muslims...potentially I see Khalistan in all the world...ideologically I see all of India as Khalistan...logically I see Punjab as Khalistan...'

You see it's 100% clear that under the current regime, noone is trully safe or free in first subject in Politics is 'democracy' and if anyone knows what that is, they'll know India is in no way a democratic country...

Khalistan means 'the land of the pure'...I want to 'purify'it in a sense...I want to rid (first Punjab, I start small) Khalistan of the many evils which attack it...when I have achieved this then I will have Khalistan.

This poem is to the Indian Government....originally it was written to the Colonialist British Government occupying India but I feel it needs to be said again....

O, Leaders of our Nation

Lift your heads

Look into our eyes

Whose blood is this

Who died?

You showed us the direction

You painted our destiny

You blew on the embers

Now you shrink from the flames

You appealed for waves

And now seek shelter from the strom.

We understand al;

Hope now lies in compromise

Colonial pledges are very wise.

Oppression was just a fairy tale!

The foreigners (here, the government) promises we must all, hail!

Yes, accept their protestations of love

When the people rise from below, we take fright above.

The old legacy will not die.

O Leaders of our Nation,

Whose Blood is this,

Who died?

This was originally written by the poet Sahir was an Urdu lament composed because of the betrayal felt by the Naval Strike Committee back in the 1940's...

Saturday, 13 September 2008


My brother was listening to this song recently and the lyrics kinda just struck me.... this guy is OBVIOUSLY talking about a girl, Okay, I'm aware of that. However, it felt like he could be talking about Maya and what a hold it has over us...some of the lyrics really hit me...





Turn the lights off in this place

And she shines just like a star

And I swear I know her face

I just don't know who you are

Turn the music up in here

I still hear her loud and clear

Like she's right there in my ear

Telling me that she wants to

own me

To control me

Come closer

Come closer

And I just can't pull myself away

Under Her Spell I can't break

I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop

And I just can't break myself no way

But I don't want to escape

I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop

I can feel her on my skin

I can taste her on my tongue

Shes the sweetest taste of sin

The more I get the more I want

She wants to own me.....

Come closer She says "come closer"

And I just can't pull myself away

Under Her Spell I can't break

I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop

And I just can't break myself no way

But I don't want to escape I just can't stop I just can't stop

I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop (Come closer) (Come closer) (Come closer) (Come closer) (Come closer) (Come closer) (Come closer)

I just can't stop nooooo I just can't stop nooooo I just can't stop nooooo I just can't stop nooooo And I just can't pull myself away

Under Her Spell I can't break

I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop

And I just can't break myself no way

But I don't want to escape

I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop

And I just can't pull myself away

Under Her Spell I can't break

I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop I just can't stop...

jnmu ibRQw jwq rMig mwieAw kY ]1] rhwau ]

janam brithhaa jaath ra(n)g maaeiaa kai 1 rehaao

You are squandering this life uselessly in the love of Maya. 1Pause

Guru Arjan Dev Ji So Purakh 12

bwbw mwieAw rcnw Dohu ]

baabaa maaeiaa rachanaa dhhohu

O Baba, the splendor of Maya is deceptive

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Siree Raag 15

kwhy grbis mUVy mwieAw ]

kaahae garabas moorrae maaeiaa

You fool! Why are you so proud of Maya?

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Siree Raag 23

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Waho Waho Bani Nirankar Hain

It's all falling into place with maha kirpa of Guru Ji... For a while I was really stressed because things weren't going right for aaages...

But I got my a-level results back and they were great,

I sorted out my driving lessons,

Got a job,

Going to a good college before (with Kirpa, going on to University)

Getting on with my parents (especially Dad) really well...and other family members in general

I start santhiya on saturday in order to get closer to Guru Maharaj.

This may not seem a lot to some of you but it just proves that Ardaas from the heart is trully meaningful and Guru Ji DOES listen.

Ive also been reading the autobiography of Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh Ji and it's given me the boost I needed to do MORE naam simran and my nitnem (and read more bani).

I've recently taken up a challenge to do a sehaj paath of Guru it is the 300th Gurtagaddi Divas of Maharaj. It's not necessarily a challenge because you do it to get closer to Guru Ji and try and understand bani...I think we should all try and make an effort to do so :)

Waho Waho Bani Nirankar Hain