I don't know how to express myself sometimes. Some people do my head in. Since the moment I woke up I was just in a 'Don't bother chattin to me, I'll bite your head off' kinda mood. Don't ask why, I just was.
Later into the day I realised that Guru Ji has been challenging me. Everything I believe in as been challenged by many different individuals at different times today.
Earlier on it was about Guru Gobind Singh Ji's stance on muslims.
As far as I am concerned from reading Zafarnama addressed to Aurangzeb. He couldn't forgive the emperor or his followers but he never aimed his letter to ALL muslims. Therefore Sikhs and muslims are as much brothers as SIkhs and any other human being. Deal with it.
Later my stance on Khalistan was challenged by a close sister of mine who felt hurt that I consider myself Indian; as her father played a key part in the freedom movement and was tortured amongst his relatives.
I am Indian because I love India. I love all the different states, the different histories, the different people, cultures, religions, languages, dress codes, foods, weathers and what not. I love it.
However, I HATE the corrupt Government, corrupt officials, the SGPC (for doing nothing worthwhile for the Panth), drug dealers, drinkers, certain Bollywood rep's, corrupt coppers (common knowledge, MOST are corrupt, RSS, BJP, Congress etc.
But I don't hate India. I have firm belief that if every Gursikh who hated how India was run, got up and stood against the State (cleverly) i.e. join government, politics, law and order; police, teach...whatever, we'd change India for the better. We'd have Khalistan but it'd just be called India.
But when you say this to a khalistani, they lose interest...
'it's not our fight', they say,
'we need to use violence to achieve peace', they say,
'you arent a sikh if you dont want Khalistan', they say,
'you dont care about all the Shaheeds and their beliefs', they say,
'Khalistan is our birthright,' they say,
'you're an AGENT,' they say....
All I can say is Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji died for the sake of freedom...for basic human rights which we happily live under in the West. If you can't follow his example and do something to help in India then you're a waste.
If we are the true sikhs we say we are, we should not be corruptable.