Friday, 23 November 2007


WOW...August was my last post....unbelievable. Soooo busy with the comic, schoolwork, languages and stuff...time flies (guess I know what they mean when they say life is short)...Lots of things have happened since my last post. I've decided to Chakk Amrit in April, in honour of having 300 years of Guru Granth Sahib Ji among us. I'm keeping a MUCH stronger Rehit, am learning Punjabi, Mandarin and at some poitn kirtan and oh yeah, I've been to India and back!

I left Heathrow by myself to meet my grandmother (who had already left a few days before) at Amritsar Airport with my Thia and Chachi Ji. As soon as I stepped out onto the tarmac I could smell the difference in India. It was a sweet and warm smell (only way to describe it). It took me 4 hours to get through immigration and get my luggage. A young guy offered to help get it from the back and my suitcase was found within seconds....He got about a hundred rupees for his help :P

Once we meeted and greeted, we left straight for Haripur in Jallandar where my grans' younger sisters' family are from. The first thing I noticed was the fact that there were no women on the streets at this time (4am.) All the men were wrapped in thick shawls to keep them warm and peaked over the tops to see.

Just outside the airport we were stopped by policemen who quickly took 300 rupees and we were off again. I slept the bumpy ride there. At keshangarh (my pindh) we had to drive through a drained riverand Thia had to puch the car up the slope...road works in India...

Haripur had the best milk by far...musta been something in the cows because it was soooo sweet and creamy mmmm (me reminiscing). I fell in love with Bibi warm and cuddly hehe.

After a days rest we leftearly the next day in a rental to Anandpur Sahib. This is the place of the birth of the Khalsa amongst other events such as battles and sieges. The first Gurudwara Sahib we visited was Kiratpur Sahib. WOW! We did ishnaan and did matta tekh, sitting down. WHAT a place! It seemed so pure I gotta say. The next place was Kesghar Sahib where Guru Gobind Singh initiated the first Amrit Sanchaar with the panj pyaare and Mata Sahib Kaur in 1699. The first thing you notice is the monkeys...sooo many cute lil things clingin to their mummies bellies hahaha....and then how white Anandpur Sahib is! Kesghar Sahib was so big...I felt really weirdly emotional there. A kind of vibe came over me. I just wished I could have been there 308 years ago. One thing I DID notice here though was that at the birthplace of the Khalsa, there were a LOT of cut-haired people...kinda seems like Punjab is goin backward compared to the Sikhs of the West now....

The next Gurudwara Sahib was where Guru Ji's horse smashed his foot in the search for water on a small mountain. Since that day water has been coming up from that spot...still bubbling, it was amaaaasing!

The next day we were off to Amritsar. The first stop was Harmandir Sahib....awesome...ishnaan was freeeezing but I woouldnt have changed it for the world. Only thing I would say though is that it was very commercialised and so it kinda took that spiritual edge away...Whereas, Tarn Taran was what was missing. The Sarovar is huuuuuuge and the day was sooo warm by then. THere werent half as many Sangat there, which I'm ashamed to say made it a whole lot better, you could enjoy it without being pushed out of the way hehehe.

Next stop was Baba Buddha Sahib Gurudwara, which was really cool. I never really knew a lot about him until then. To commemorate his smashing of the onion (I will do a post on this soon) they hand out onions as parshaad alongside onion paratha's. Sooooo tasty but you get really bad breath from it so make sure you take a tic tac for afters :P

We went to Baba Baakalaa (cant spell it) as a last stop. It was really nice. So many people sitting doing Simran in this little room near the main hall. There was a small exibit of Sikh art where most of our history and the messages taught over time where put up. Really brought tears to my eyes. Some of the paintings were very heartwrenching. A must see!

For the next few days we went to Kishangarh to prepare the house for the Canadians to come. My favourite memory about being at home was having Paath resonate through the pindh at 3am every morning and 5pm every evening. Soooo cool.

I went to Talhan Gurudwara for an Akhand Paath. WOOOOOOW! So many Guru Granth Sahibs being read in the same place. The room had so much shant in it, it was wonderous. You felt like you were floating in that place. I had the honour of taking Guru Ji on my worthless head to their room, for the first time in my life.....I was ill that day but as soon as Guru Ji touched my head I felt Raam. No words to describe.

That day I met my Thia Ji from England, which I was looking forward to. He's the only other real Amritdhari in the family. It's good having someone to talk to about stuff and have an elder to answer my annoying questions with an open mind. He is a nihung. Coolest guy on the planet. We went to his mum's pindh and I met his family. Then we went to Kartarpur. We saw a Gurudwara Sahib where Guru Arjun Dev Ji had built a well. It was the Ardaas of a funeral at the time. Then we moved on to Gurudwara Mata Gujari; where Guru Tegh Bahadur and Mata Gujari got married. It was up al these steps but it was so serene, I loved it. We went to go get Thias pics from the developers but they took so long it got dark and we gave up and went to Haripur.

I stayed the night there and met Thia Ji in Adampur, where we set off to visit the nihungs at Harianbella. This was by far the greatest experience of my life. What seva!!!! These singhs toil in the heat looking after the many horses and other animals, looking after the Gurudwara Sahib too, and some of them are so young....I felt so bad though becaus ethey did all this but not enough people visit the gurudwara, so it's hard for them to fund food and clothing. So Thia Ji helps out by buying clothes and some food when he can. They didn't even have enough to feed the horses sholay! The horses were so cool though. I rode one for the first time (not saddle) but it was thrilling. It gave you a strong sense of power and will to be up there. You get the hang of it after no time. hmmm...

Some of the Singhs were taking things hard and were getting a little depressed. One of them had turned to drugs, a young boy. The baba ji's and thia ji did their best to persuade him to stop and explained how wrong it is as a sikh and a human being to take drugs. (Sukha I think they call it) he understood how wrong it was, he just felt like he was being neglected for doing seva of Guru Ji. He said that they do no worng but still the people of Punjab attack them and treat them badly because of the acts of a minority. It's definately unfair. And these Singhs do so much, the people of Punjab should be ashamed in my opinion.

Anyhooo... that was about the extent of the spiritual journey in Punjab (apart from Bandhi Chorr, which was very cool) the rest was shopping for my cousins's wedding and visiting relatives.

We DID go to Harmandhir Sahib again, this time at night. Greatest sight ever, sooo chardi kalaan. All I can say is GO TO PUNJAB, do some parchaar though because those guys are losing it. They're in too much of a rush to become modern...that's another post altogether hehehe

gauVI mhlw 5 ]
gourree mehalaa 5
Gauree, Fifth Mehla:

imlu myry goibMd Apnw nwmu dyhu ]
mil maerae gobi(n)dh apanaa naam dhaehu

Meet me, O my Lord of the Universe. Please bless me with Your Name.

nwm ibnw iDRgu iDRgu Asnyhu ]1] rhwau ]
naam binaa dhhrig dhhrig asanaehu 1 rehaao
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, cursed, cursed is love and intimacy. 1Pause

nwm ibnw jo pihrY Kwie ]
naam binaa jo pehirai khaae
Without the Naam, one who dresses and eats well

ijau kUkru jUTn mih pwie ]1]
jio kookar joot(h)an mehi paae 1
is like a dog, who falls in and eats impure foods. 1

nwm ibnw jyqw ibauhwru ] ijau imrqk imiQAw sIgwru ]2]
naam binaa jaethaa biouhaar jio mirathak mithhiaa seegaar 2
Without the Naam, all occupations are useless, like decorations on a dead body. 2

nwmu ibswir kry rs Bog ]
naam bisaar karae ras bhog
One who forgets the Naam and indulges in pleasures,

suKu supnY nhI qn mih rog ]3]
sukh supanai nehee than mehi rog 3
shall find no peace, even in dreams; his body shall become diseased. 3

nwmu iqAwig kry An kwj ]
naam thiaag karae an kaaj
One who renounces the Naam and engages in other occupations,

ibnis jwie JUTy siB pwj ]4]
binas jaae jhoot(h)ae sabh paaj 4
shall see all of his false pretenses fall away. 4

nwm sMig min pRIiq n lwvY ]
naam sa(n)g man preeth n laavai
One whose mind does not embrace love for the Naam

koit krm krqo nrik jwvY ]5]
kott karam karatho narak jaavai 5
shall go to hell, even though he may perform millions of ceremonial rituals. 5

hir kw nwmu ijin min n AwrwDw ]
har kaa naam jin man n aaraadhhaa
One whose mind does not contemplate the Name of the Lord

cor kI inAweI jm puir bwDw ]6]
chor kee niaaee jam pur baadhhaa 6
is bound like a thief, in the City of Death. 6

lwK AfMbr bhuqu ibsQwrw ]
laakh adda(n)bar bahuth bisathhaaraa
Hundreds of thousands of ostentatious shows and great expanses

nwm ibnw JUTy pwswrw ]7]
naam binaa jhoot(h)ae paasaaraa 7
- without the Naam, all these displays are false. 7

hir kw nwmu soeI jnu lyie ]
har kaa naam soee jan laee
That humble being repeats the Name of the Lord,

kir ikrpw nwnk ijsu dyie ]8]10]
kar kirapaa naanak jis dhaee 810
O Nanak, whom the Lord blesses with His Mercy. 810

Thursday, 30 August 2007

This is an e-mail I got recently, which I thought I'd post on here- read ALL of it dudes!Waheguru ji ka Khalsa! Waheguru ji ki Fateh!The notion of simran is really important, especially in Guru Arjan dev ji’s Bani. Simran often gets translated as remembrance, which is a very shallow, flat-land way to translate simran. The Sri Singh Sahibs talked about simran in a very specific way. Simran is not dyan; it is not meditation; it is not jap; it is not repeating it is not ardaas; it is not a prayer. Simran is a state of conscious that comes out of doing these kinds of practices. Simran is a way for the inner being of the spirit and the outer being of the temporary personality and body and mind to communicate with each other, intermingle with each other, mutually relate to each other, so that the personality in destiny, which is from the soul, and the personality of time and space, become one thing. For most of us, our souls took a form for a purpose, and we have tremendous pain and duality in our lives, because what the soul took the body to do, and the mind to do, and incarnated to do, conflicts with what we believe we should do, what we are taught we should do, what the mind thinks, or what the body desires.This conflict between the soul’s purpose and the personality of time and space creates tremendous pain, creates depression, it leads drug abuse, leads to alcoholism, leads to fantasy, leads to getting lost in romantic love. So that disconnect between the soul and the temporary personality is really the main problem that we are trying to work out as human beings, and which is why we need a guru, and why we need a teacher, because we need the power of a teacher, so that this duality can be resolved. Simran is a very elevated, high state of consciousness, where through the practice of dyan, through the practice of jap, through the practice of ardaas, through the practice of kirtan, we actually come into a reality where the destiny of the soul is being expressed, because the mind is constantly being directed to the inner being, instead of into the Maya around it.So the mind has the power to move energy. If the mind moves energy on its own behalf, we call that the Manmukh. Gurbani talks about how the Manmukh dies, and how the Manmukh suffers. When the mind is trained through the Guru’s word, to direct itself to understanding the instruction of the inner being, then the energy is moved in a way so that the soul can deliver and realize the purpose that it came to earth for. This capacity of the mind to inner beam and intermingle with the beam of light of the soul, and how that manifests the reality of the soul in time and space, in a way that is harmonious, that is what simran is. So Guru Arjan is saying in this first line, through this experience, and it is repeated simar simar simar, it is a continual state–When we are continually in that place of the mind in-beaming to the light and beam of the soul, and the intermingling of that, and the projection of that, then that is when peace comes to us.Within every breath we are in this state of remembering. What does it mean to remember God? Well it doesn’t mean to remember some being out there in the universe that is disconnected from us. To remember with every breath the Divine is to remember presence of the Divine inside of ourselves. That is the only thing we have the capacity to remember because it is the only thing we really can experience. Guru Nanaak talks about the Divine in Japji: That the Divine in all its Creativity is beyond the reach of our senses and beyond our mind. But the Divine Life that lives inside of us that we can really know and feel complete with. So it is through this consciousness and condition of simran that peace comes to us. Peace comes to us, and with every breath, we are constantly remembering that Divine essence that lives inside of us. And he says that this experience of the inner being that we can touch, in the human body, in this world, and in the world beyond, is our true companion. Because that will never leave us. The body will drop away. The mind will drop away. But if we have tasted the inner being, that is the death-less-ness that goes on inside of us. That is what goes on from lifetime to lifetime.That energy is a tremendous help and protection for us. When we come from our mind, we make mistakes when we allow the inner being to guide us. It guides us very clearly through life. Guru Arjan brings it back to Guru, to the Shabad and he says, gur kaa bachan basai jeea naalae. He is saying that the song of the Guru is living with the inner being. And that this is the key because the mind on its own cannot get there. It is only through this song that the Guru sings, that the mind can be trained to exist with the Jio with the soul with the inner being. And so he is saying that it is this key, of the song of the Guru, that allows this to happen. And he talks about the quality of this song. Once through the song, the mind is directed to dwell with the inner being, there is no material condition that can destroy that experience for us. So it can’t be drowned in water, it can’t be burned in fire, nobody can steal that from us. This is really important when we look at the history of the Sikhs and the tortures that the Sikhs had to go through. Once there was simran, there was the genuine experience of manifesting that destiny.The tortures of water and the tortures of fire, because of the Guru’s song, bachan: there was no way for those tortures to break that experience. Yes, the body could be broken. Yes, there could be pain. But nothing could interfere with that state of simran once it is established. And that is what Guru Arjan is talking about here. Nothing can take that away from a person. This experience is wealth for those who have no wealth. It is a cane to help someone who is blind to walk. For a totally helpless baby it is the mother’s milk that completely feeds it. So, we are poor, and we are blind, and we are helpless children. But through the Guru’s song that awakens the experience of simran, the consciousness of simran, that then becomes the song and the simran becomes the wealth that helps us, the cane that helps us, and the mother’s milk that feeds us.He says that in this ocean here is the boat, I have found Har, I have found the Divine Essence that dwells inside of everything. And, Nanaak, it is through the kindness and the graciousness of the Guru that I have found this boat of the Divine Essence that can carry me across life.DnwsrI mhlw 5 Gru 8 dupdy dhanaasaree mehalaa 5 ghar 8 dhupadhae Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehla, Eighth House, Du-Paday Ang 679 <> siqgur pRswid ] ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:ismrau ismir ismir suK pwvau swis swis smwly ] simaro simar simar sukh paavo saas saas samaalae Remembering, remembering, remembering Him in meditation, I find peace; with each and every breath, I dwell upon Him.ieh loik prloik sMig shweI jq kq moih rKvwly ]1] eih lok paralok sa(n)g sehaaee jath kath mohi rakhavaalae 1 In this world, and in the world beyond, He is with me, as my help and support; wherever I go, He protects me. 1gur kw bcnu bsY jIA nwly ] gur kaa bachan basai jeea naalae The Guru’s Word abides with my soul.jil nhI fUbY qskru nhI lyvY Bwih n swkY jwly ]1] rhwau ] jal nehee ddoobai thasakar nehee laevai bhaahi n saakai jaalae 1 rehaao It does not sink in water; thieves cannot steal it, and fire cannot burn it. 1Pause inrDn kau Dnu AMDuly kau itk mwq dUDu jYsy bwly ] niradhhan ko dhhan a(n)dhhulae ko ttik maath dhoodhh jaisae baalae It is like wealth to the poor, a cane for the blind, and mother’s milk for the infant. swgr mih boihQu pwieE hir nwnk krI ik®pw ikrpwly ]2]1]32] saagar mehi bohithh paaeiou har naanak karee kirapaa kirapaalae 2132In the ocean of the world, I have found the boat of the Lord; the Merciful Lord has bestowed His Mercy upon Nanak. 2132Waheguru ji ka Khalsa! Waheguru ji ki Fateh!

Friday, 17 August 2007

Don't be lazy

It's been a full month since my last post....I finally got a job, also the comic, my reading for history coursework, my personal statement, my cousins' wedding and my lil sister have taken up all my time...

I haven't done simran properly in a while I'm so tired - I know it's no excuse, but I feel that I can't pray for the sake of praying..just because I have to. When I pray my whole heart has to be in it. I have to concentrate, clear my mind - otherwise why pray? I know in my heart it wont help me to pray like that so I won't. Bu at the same time I dont feel so at peace without the power of Naam. A friend said that we should focus on our own jeevans which I agree on...I always think 'man you got no clue' when people just refuse to understand the power of Naam Simran. So...tomorrow morning I'm going to puch myself to do my nitnem and so simran too. This Hukamnama really seemed to hit me today...

August 17, 2007, Friday 04:45 AM. IST]


That body, which does not meditate in remembrance on the Lord's Name in the Saadh Sangat, shall be reduced to dust. Cursed and insipid is that body, O Nanak, which does not know the One who created it. 1 FIFTH MEHL: Let His Lotus Feet abide within your heart, and with your tongue, chant the Name of the Lord of the World. O Nanak, meditate in remembrance on God, and nurture this body of yours. 2 PAUREE:

Wednesday, 18 July 2007


All I can say is wow...we've been getting some real weird weather lately. Hot, cold, warm, wet, dry , you name it....Kalyug I feel is coming to it's height, who knows though. Waheguru works in mysterious ways. Sometimes I feel he gives us a sign to let us know that He's still about, and always will be. I took this pic in the middle of a thunder storm. It was quite scary and then out of nowhere this beautiful rainbow appeared as if telling me to...*cliche*...always look at the bright side...hehe

hY BI hosI jwie n jwsI rcnw ijin rcweI ]hai bhee hosee jaae n jaasee rachanaa jin rachaaee

He is, and shall always be. He shall not depart, even when this Universe which He has created departs.

Friday, 13 July 2007


Pre-lim work on the Sikh comic has finished! I have just started getting it all down on the panels :)

If anyone would like to help in anyway it would be appreciated (even storylines- though I have a good idea of story.)

The comic is basically to educate or youth ad non-sikhs about the history of our religion and therefore as a result teach people about some of our Guru Ji's teachings.

Can't wait to show you - only my scanner doesnt work here so I will put a pic up when I get home,


Monday, 9 July 2007

Holding A Peice Of Time

Well it's a been a while since my last post. I have been very busy. Yeah busy. How often is it that way for you? It's amazing how we seem to have soooo much time for the things that don't really matter, but the important things just go out the window. We can sit behind a desk for up to 9 hours a day, gossip for more, watch tele for even longer; yet have no time for our creater Waheguru (God), our families, real friends and what not. At first I thought...There's just not enough time in the day. Then I thought, of course there's enough time (whoever thought of that one?) The problem is we don't know how to properly use the time we have here. Nitnem, bani, simran (as much as you don't wanna believe it ((you know who you are)) all help you so much, you have no idea!

suix mn imqR ipAwirAw imlu vylw hY eyh ]sun man mithr piaariaa mil vaelaa hai eaeh

Listen, O my mind, my friend, my darling: now is the time to meet the Lord.

Recently I've been trying to use my time constructively. It's not that I'm just negative but I find that unless you watch something like news, documentaries or the occassional film, it's just not worth wasting your time watching TV. And it's not as if we watch real, genuinely good people. It's people that are quite horrendous and shameless, sex, drugs, alcohol and more. Do we really need to watch this? So I've been studying more (finally get economics) and I just started preliminary work on my Sikh Based Comic Book (unnamed) which will, Waheguru willing, be out soon :) I am learning Chinese, Punjabi and trying to leanr Hindi written. I'm trying to keep a strict rehit too. Staying away for as long as possible from things like msn and sikhsangat (as much as I love it) I just find I waste precious time doing well...nothing.

Here's a 'letter from God' which sent shivers down my spine when I read it and I was close to tears.


As you got up this morning, I watched you, and hoped you would talk to me, even if it was just a few words, asking my opinion or thanking me for something good that happened in your life yesterday. But I noticed you were too busy, trying to find the right outfit to wear.When you ran around the house getting ready, I knew there would be a few minutes for you to stop and say hello, but you were to busy. At one point you had to wait fifteen minutes with nothing to do except sit in a chair. Then I saw you spring to your feet. I thought you wanted to talk to me but you ran to the phone and called a friend to get the latest gossip instead. I watched patiently all day long. With all our activities I guess you were too busy to say anything to me.I noticed that before lunch you looked around, maybe you felt embarrassed to talk to me,that is why you didn't bow your head. You glanced three or four tables over and yo u noticed some of your friends talking to me briefly before they ate, but you didn't.That's okay. There is still more time left, and I hope that you will talk to me yet.You went home and it seems as if you had lots of things to do. After a few of them were done, you turned on the TV. I don't know if you like TV or not, just about anything goes there and you spend a lot of time each day in front of it not thinking about anything, just enjoying the show. I waited patiently again as you watched the TV and ate your meal, but again you didn't talk to me.Bedtime I guess you felt too tired. After you said goodnight to your family you plopped into bed and fell asleep in no time. That's okay because you may not realize that I am always there for you.. I've got patience, more than you will ever know. I even want to teach you how to be patient with others as well.I love you so much that I wait everyday for a nod, prayer or thought, or a thankful part of your heart. It is hard to have a one-sided conversation. Well, you are getting up once again. Once again I will wait, with nothing but love for you. Hoping that today you will give me some time.

Have a nice day!

Your friend,


What can I say? Whoever wrote this is amazing. Thank you for opening more eyes :)

Thursday, 28 June 2007


I havent been on in a while...had the time of my life at Akhand Jaap in Ilford....waheguru was that great! Focus your mind and soul in the lords praises and wooooow! No words to explain.

I would say to all of you who didn't attend, to go to the next ones! Waheguruuuuuu!
If you'd like to see pics ;

Haha I should have put this up before I went, how silly of me :P D'oh !

gur srxweI suKu lhih Anidnu nwmu iDAwie ]1] rhwau ]gur saranaaee sukh lehehi anadhin naam dhhiaae 1 rehaao

In the Sanctuary of the Guru, peace is found, meditating on the Naam night and day. 1Pause

Friday, 22 June 2007


Families are weird. They come in all shapes and sizes and every person has a different relationship with their family. Some are based on love, support, care, then money, hate, arrogance or all of these things. Some keep no ties with family, Hindus at somepoint in their lives leave their families in 'search of god'...Guru Ji says..

dyiK kutMbu moih loBwxw clidAw nwil n jweI ]dhaekh kutta(n)b mohi lobhaanaa chaladhiaa naal n jaaee

Beholding your family, you are lured away by emotional attachment, but when you leave, they will not go with you.

So I believe that this means to cherish and love your family and look after them - this is a righteous act (after all we are encouraged to live normal lives as well as be sikhs). However we should refrain from emotional attachments - it won't help us in the end...we have to keep in mind what comes first..Guru Ji....but I still love my family :P

igRsiq kutMib plyitAw kdy hrKu kdy sogu ]grisath kutta(n)b palaettiaa kadhae harakh kadhae sog

when you are wrapped up in the attachments of household and family, sometimes feeling joy, and then other times sorrow;

igrsqI igrsiq Drmwqw ]4]girasathee girasath dhharamaathaa 4

The householders assert their faith in family life. 4

Guru Arjun Dev Ji siree rag 71

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

happy happy happy

kir kir vyKY ndir inhwl ]kar kar vaekhai nadhar nihaal

Having created the creation, He watches over it. By His Glance of Grace, He bestows happiness.

I've been in a really happy mood today..dunno why...everything just seems perfect now... I did a good ardaas to Guru Ji last night and my minds been pretty clear and calm....yaaaaay....I'm not going to say much because I think that happiness is a different experience for every person, much like love. We all get happy over different thing...I get happy when I think of waheguru, see my dad, when it rains, when there's a clear blue sky, when I go to Gurudwara and when I chill with my brothers and sis (all 5 of em ) and more. Why don't you guys take a minute and think about the things that make you happy..a lot of them will probably be little things, small moments; when you hear sounds, smell scents and all these childhood memories flash back when I smell orange squash because I spent a lot of my time in the park where we'd constantly drink squash haha....aaah happiness...but the bestest happiness is when you do simran...

suKw kI imiq ikAw gxI jw ismrI goivMdu ]sukhaa kee mith kiaa ganee jaa simaree govi(n)dh How can I measure the happiness of meditating on the Lord of the Universe?

Tuesday, 19 June 2007


OK...first I wanna say sorry for not minds been a bit haywire...Have you ever wanted to do something so bad that you think TOO much about it, and nothing comes out? That's why I let it come to ME instead this time...however while thinking about this I thought about t question a pahji came up with on a forum....

"Tenets of Sikhi

1. Nam Japna

2. Kirat Karni

3. Vand Shakna

I solely believe in the teachings of SGGS and i do believe WAHEGURU is there but i am unable to get around the "merging with god" part. I mean doesn't that make us self-centered. We are on this earth(in human form) to do the above mentioned things. I totally understand the "kirat karni" and "vand shakna". What confuses me is "nam japna", shoudln't nam japna be living in bhayai of akal purakh, shouldn't it be done as shukrana (thankfulness) for what akal purakh has bestowed upon us, counting our blessing, living in the bhana of waheguru. But instead we do naam jap to merge with waheguru..isn't that an attribute of a selfcentered individual and in doing so are we just strengthening the wall between us and humility??me confused..please express your thoughts..."

swis swis hir nwmu iDAweIAY ]saas saas har naam dhhiaaeeai

With each and every breath, I meditate on the Lord's Name.

I thought this was a great question, it took some time to digest, and there were some great answers. (check out I'm gonna give my take on things...

To an extent I think that it is selfcentred to wish to merge with i do simran I often lose myself in pointless thoughts, but sometimes I concentrate hard...I think to myself how much I love GuruJi and my wish to be with him...but then when I finish I Guru Ji staying away because I WANT him to come? Am I just wanting him to come so I can say...'I experienced a meeeting with God?' these thoughts pop into my mind...and I dont want them to, and I know in my heart that I wish for waheguru because I love him...So, I think it doesnt matter that you wanna meet should do it because Guru Ji told us to, with a clean mind and clean heart, otherwise we'll never be able to meet Guru Ji....another Pahji summed it up as... 'Guru Ji meets us, not the otherway round'....HE decides....also by Jappin Naam, it doesnt automatically mean you should meet Waheguru Ji...there are many different methods but they only work if you have utmost HUMILITY....if you recite bani or wear bana and do it with arrogance or pride, there is no humility - at the end of the day you should do it for Guru Ji - noone else!

mnu qnu qyrw qU DxI grbu invwir smyau ]3]man than thaeraa thoo dhhanee garab nivaar samaeo 3

Mind and body are Yours; You are my Master. Please rid me of my pride, and let me merge with You. 3

If you Jaap Naam with humility and love, what is stopping you? some point it should then get to the point where Waheguru is in our thoughts every second of the day, on our every breath we take...we should remember Waheguru and be thankful towards Waheguru that he has given us the chance to change our futures by giving us lives as humans and also make up for our past janams....then we might find peace...waheguruuuu

swis swis mnu nwmu sm@wrY iehu ibsRwm iniD pweI ]1]saas saas man naam samhaarai eihu bisraam nidhh paaee 1

With each and every breath, my mind remembers the Naam, the Name of the Lord; in this way, it finds the treasure of peace. 1

Saturday, 16 June 2007

Dust of your sweet sweet charan

On June 16 every year, the Sikhs worldwide celebrate - yeah, Celebrate! - the great sacrifice of Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj.

Isn't it amazing how you change as you grow up? I told my little sister the history of how Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj (the 5th Nanak) sacrificed his life for Sikhi....she was happy to hear it but she couldn't understand the logic in it...When I think about it, why would she? She is 4 and a half....spongebob squarepants is her idea of logic (dont get me started). When I think about such unfathomable qurbani my heart feels heavy...would any of us moorakhs be able to undertake such a sacrifice? I doubt it....For those of you who don't know it, the event happened as follows :

After the death of Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1605, his son Jahagir became the leader of India. Unlike his father, Jahagir was a fundamentalist Muslim, obsessed into turning the country into an Islamic state. Both Hindu and Muslim fundamentalists concerned at the rapid increase in the popularity of Guru Arjan, moved the new head of state Emperor Jahangir against the Guru. Jahangir himself was also jealous about Guru's propagation of Sikhism. He promptly obliged the enemies of Guru Sahib. Many baseless allegations were levelled against Guru Sahib, one of those was helping the rebellious Khusrau, who was Jahangir's son and determined to rule Punjab.
This is what Emperor Jahangir wrote in his diary called the "Tuzuk-i-Jahagiri", which translates to "Memoirs of Jahangir"
"In Gobindwal, which is on the river Biyah (Beas), there was a Hindu named Arjun, in the garments of sainthood and sanctity, so much so that he had captured many of the simple-hearted of the Hindus, and even of the ignorant and foolish followers of Islam, by his ways and manners, and they had loudly sounded the drum of his holiness. They called him Guru, and from all sides stupid people crowded to worship and manifest complete faith in him. For three or four generations (of spiritual successors) they had kept this shop warm. Many times it occurred to me to put a stop to this vain affair or to bring him into the assembly of the people of Islam.
At last when Khusrau passed along this road this insignificant fellow proposed to wait upon him. Khusrau happened to halt at the place where he was, and he came out and did homage to him. He behaved to Khusrau in certain special ways, and made on his forehead a finger-mark in saffron, which the Indians (Hinduwan) call qashqa, (Tilak) and is considered propitious. When this came to my ears and I clearly understood his folly, I ordered them to produce him and handed over his houses, dwelling-places, and children to Murtaza Khan, and having confiscated his property commanded that he should be put to death."
Accordingly in Late May 1606, Guru Arjan Dev was arrested and brought to Lahore where He was subject to severe torture. He was made to sit on a burning hot plate while hot sand was poured over his head and body. It is said that Mian Mir (a Muslim Sufi Saint and friend of Guru Sahib) tried to intercede on behalf of Guru Sahib but Guru ji forbid him to interfere in the "Will of the Almighty".

'Tera keea meeta laagai, har naam padaarath Nanak maangai...'
'thine doings seem sweet unto me, Nanak craves for the wealth of Gods name'
Dhan Dhan Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj- these were his words as they tortured him...

Guru Ji body was blistered and burnt. For several days, the Guru was subjected to this unrelenting torture. Subsequently, Guru Arjan Dev was taken for a bath in the river, Ravi. As thousands watched He entered the river never to be seen again. Thus Guru Sahib embraced martyrdom on Jeth Sudi 4th (1st Harh) Samvat 1663, (May 16, 1606).

The following is a summary of the main highlights of Guru Ji life:
Made a huge contribution in the number of hymns & finalisation of the Guru Granth Sahib.
Guru Ji contributed a total of 2218 hymns to the Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
Author of Sukhmani Sahib Bani – Prayer for Peace
Compiled and installed for the first time the holy Sikh Book, which at this stage is called Adi Granth, a major achievement.
Built the Golden Temple
Developed Amritsar as a Centre of Excellence.
Enhanced the Structure of Sikh Society by introducing the Masund system
First Sikh Guru to be martyred. See Martyrdom of Guru Arjan

This extraordinary Man who gave Sikhi two of its greatest gifts ... the Guru Granth Sahib and the Harimandir Sahib ... was in the prime of his life, a mere 39 years old, when his spiritual activities were deemed a threat to institutionalized religion by the ruler of the land. Refusing to waver from his faith, he was tortured until his body succumbed.
Guru Arjan, on whose shoulders stands much of Sikhi as we know it today showed the world the ultimate way to tackle the terrorists head-on. And from his suffering were inspired many millions who understood his message and treaded the same spiritual path as him. Following in the Guru's sacrificial footsteps were many thousands of Sikhs who had learnt the lesson taught by the Guru and have walked in his path of self sacrifice for their commitment to truth and justice.

To them I could only say Parnaam....I am merely dust of your sweet sweet charan...

Friday, 15 June 2007

We are sikhs

I was thinking today, about the mass conversions amd attempts to convert (or worse) made by many diverse groups. At first, I thought....this is terrible. But then I thought...if these people are unfulfilled as Sikhs, then why not let them go? If they aren't forcefully converted then where is the harm to US? Are our own jeevans affected by them? Nope. However it is when groups such as the RSS, fundamentalists, try to DISTORT becomes wrong - and MUST be put to an end. I'm going to speak about the RSS because I was sent a very disturbing e-mail about the activities in which they participate. They have been described as the 'Nazi's of Hindustan' and I believe this is a pretty good description. Sikhs have been living in the Indian sub-continent for hundreds of years..since the time of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Since then, they have been fighting for justice and truth...for all religions. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji died to achieve the rights of Hindus, under Moghul regime. Sikhs have never been 'anti-such-and-such-religion.' We believe in the equality of all human kind...all paths lead to the One. However Bhagat Kabeer Ji put it:

qorau n pwqI pUjau n dyvw ]thoro n paathee poojo n dhaevaa

I do not pick leaves as offerings, and I do not worship idols.

Therefore I beg of those who are being brainwashed by these fascist groups...don't get hoodwinked...look at the history Sikhism...we are a seperate qaum! Don't let those who assimilated Buddhism (Buddha as an avtar of Vishnu) into their religion do it to Sikhi. We do NOT worship idols, partake in rituals, etc. We are Sikhs of Guru Ji...not Vishnu. Ik Oankaar!

pwrbRhmu pRBu eyku hY dUjw nwhI koie ]paarabreham prabh eaek hai dhoojaa naahee koe There is only the One Supreme Lord God; there is no other at all.

Thursday, 14 June 2007


This sakhi about Baba Ravidass Ji is soooo good...really makes you think how hard we try to look good and clean on the outside and in our efforts to do so, we forget to clean our insides...mind and body (mann and tann)...and this can be done so easily in so many of the best ways is though, is through Gurbani...

gurbwxI iesu jg mih cwnxu krim vsY min Awey ]1]gurabaanee eis jag mehi chaanan karam vasai man aaeae 1

Gurbani is the Light to illuminate this world; by His Grace, it comes to abide within the mind. 1

A rich man came to see Baba Ravidas Ji and said to him "I am a very busy man, I have so many businesses to look after, so many people to see, I can only come and see you when I am free which isn’t very often, so please just hurry up and bless me with naam!"

Baba Ravidas said "Ok, I will see what I can do, but first can you get me some milk?"

The rich man thought is that it? "Of course I can get you some milk I will bring it next time I come to see you, but I’m not sure when that will be, because I am a very busy man."

Baba Ravidas said "No problem, you just come back with the milk when you have time."

A few weeks later the rich man came back to Baba Ravi Das Ji and he was carrying the biggest, most shiny, clean new bucket filled with beautiful pure milk.Baba Ravidas had a bucket too; it was in the corner of his house. This bucket was very filthy and old; it had not been washed for a while. Baba Ravidas Ji told the rich man to pour the milk in this bucket. The rich man looked at the bucket and said "no way, that bucket is really filthy!"

Baba Ravi Das ji said to the man, "the milk is for me, why are you bothered about what you pour it into?"

The rich man replied, "I have brought you milk which is expensive, pure and beautiful, and you want me to pour it into a filthy bucket, the milk will be ruined and become like the bucket."

Baba Ravi Das Ji said "I don’t care just pour the milk in the bucket" The rich man said no way. Baba Ravi Das Ji said "so there’s no way you are going to pour that milk in the bucket?" The rich man said no way.

Baba Ravi Das ji then said “Well how do you expect me to give you pure beautiful naam, when your mind and body is like my bucket?"

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Just call

Sometimes I wonder what the world is coming to...when I was a kid it was unheard of for parents to split was a myth that asian parents split up anyways....suddenly wherever I look all I see or hear of is divorce, affairs etc etc....This is what I trully believe is kalyug....

iqn pRB jb Awies muih dIXw ] qb hm jnm klU mih lIXw ] 4 ]thin prabh jab aaeis muhi dheeyaa thab ham janam kaloo mehi leeyaa 4

At the command of God, I was born into this dark age of Kalyug.

When I look at a lot of my friends, on the outside they seem fine, happy or content...then when I look closely I notice that none of them are trully's more like a mask of happiness. It is said that we dont know that happens behind closed doors...I think this is very true. I find too much that people don't wish to burden others with their problems but this leads to more problems because they SHOULD talk...these things shouldn't be bottled up (I've learnt the hard way). I am always willing to listen to others...only when I hear them I wish I could trully do something to help...too often nowadays do I hear a close friends say that they wish to end their life, or runaway or that they hate their parents, siblings, freinds etc etc. I really do wanna help them. But I feel so helpless sometimes because I live in the middle of nowhere and so I can't just go and see them and talk to them properly and really help them. I wish that I could just open up my home to all of them...I know that they really would be happy but I can't...but I will...I promise myself I WILL. There is too much hurt in the world and not enough people stop to listen to it and tend to the wounds of others....but I WILL. I won't have another person tell me they wanna die and not be able to do anything to stop or help them.....but I also think that without faith I can't help these people (although some of them have more faith than you could imagine) they need to embrace God and call and I know that they will surely be answered.

suixAY dUK pwp kw nwsu ]8]suniai dhookh paap kaa naas 8

Listening-pain and sin are erased. 8

Monday, 11 June 2007

The dark side of the force

I am no perfect person (despite many common misconceptions). People often believe that because I do paath (prayers) and have saroop (dastaar, panj kakkars) that I am perfect. What people don't seem to understand is that these are simply small steps we make to try to better ourselves...More important than looks etc is seva (selfless service), simran (meditation on the name of God- Waheguru) and defeating the 5 evils within ourselves...kaam (lust), krodh (anger), lobh (greed), moh (attachment) and ahankaar (ego). I have serious anger problems. For the past six months (since a major chnage in my life) my anger has gotten worse and is harder to control. There are no excuses for this, I know. I believe that if we fight our vices we will get better, the harder you fight yourself the faster you can get closer to Waheguru.

siqgur dieAwl ikrpwl Bytq hry kwmu k®oDu loBu mwirAw ]sathigur dhaeiaal kirapaal bhaettath harae kaam krodhh lobh maariaa

Through the Kind and Compassionate True Guru, I have met the Lord; I have conquered sexual desire, anger and greed.

I fought (verbally) with my brother Shaan today. Not good. I already have a bad relationship with him and by fighting it only makes things worse. Over something so silly, I ruined my entire day because I could not control my anger...I had a good law exam, good economics lessons, was getting on well with friends and the rest of my family etc etc. It does not matter if Shaan was in the fighting I became just as bad as him, if not worse. This is why Guru Ji emphasises so much for us to conquer our evils...I realised this properly today. You know what? By smiling and saying 'have it your way' or 'sorry' you can fight and beat that anger to a pulp. Yeah, it's hard (no way am I gonna say it's easy) but what are you losing? Pride? Arrogance? Ego? Hate? What? I think that by losing these things you gain a heck of a lot.....more!

kwmu k®oDu psirAw sMswry Awie jwie duKu pwvixAw ]2]kaam krodhh pasariaa sa(n)saarae aae jaae dhukh paavaniaa 2

Sexual desire and anger are diffused throughout the universe. Coming and going, people suffer in pain. 2

Sunday, 10 June 2007

O to be a child once more

Children are the most astonishing creation of Waheguru, I think. Their innocence is inspiring. I have a 4 year old sister and because the world is new to her, everything is a new adventure. She is at that curious stage. When I take her to the Gurudwara... She does her matta tekh and runs to sit down as fast as she can so that she may listen and learn more about this experience. I am glad when she sits still for at least 15 minutes. We sit and meditate together and then her curiosity gets the better of her and she goes to look out the huge window and talk to a nearby Baba Ji.
pihlY phrY rYix kY vxjwirAw imqRw bwlk buiD Acyqu ]pehilai peharai rain kai vanajaariaa mithraa baalak budhh achaeth
In the first watch of the night, O my merchant friend, your innocent mind has a child-like understanding.
I like to sit and watch the kids play freely, crawl around and study the sangat's faces. The kids do their matta tekh, then stare at the golden paalki, then they turn and stare at those solemn faces - looking for a smile...anywhere! I cant help but laugh and theres a connection - they found someone! As we laugh together, the sangat stare at us like...'what are you doing!? You cant be happy in here!' But we dont care, we will carry on playing and listening to the sweet words of Guru Ji and the wonderous kirtan...and why shouldn't we? It seems nowadays that Punjabi people think of sikhism as doctrine. The gurudwara is a formal requirement where happiness is extinct. Are they serious? Do they really think that Guru Ji wanted us to unhappily visit him? This is why I happily sing along loud to the kirtan and laugh and smile...the thoughts need to removed from their minds with happiness :D

Saturday, 9 June 2007

Who am I?

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and 'why I chose Guru Nanak over Kate Moss came up?' I thought about it for a answer I think is faith. I have no faith in people like Kate Moss...what do I gain from people like Kate Moss?..People dont realise what our Guru Ji has given us. Someone once asked me a question...'are you the daughter of Sri Guru Gobind Singh JI and Mata Saheb Kaur, and are you a descendant of millions of Shaheeds who lost their lives and more for our faith and the right to wear our hair long?' My answer was yes...and I've never felt better in my life, my realisation of my faith and belief makes me feel strong inside. My faith and belief is undescribable... I believe in truth and the Sikh religion is truth. I love my Guru Ji and I cant hurt Guru Ji by cutting my hair, wearing make-up, tight clothing etc etc. I want to walk on the path of my sweet Guru Ji the best I can.

mMny kI giq khI n jwie ]ma(n)nae kee gath kehee n jaae

The state of the faithful cannot be described.

The creator and the creation

I was just sitting in the study yesterday evening and I was whistling and singing along (not very well) to some Kirtan tracks on the computer. Suddenly a small bird came and stood on the was eating ants or something and out of nowhere it seemed to sing along with me...I turned the kirtan off and sang and whistled and the bird was replying. I thought it was awesome. I've always had a thing for animals and plants since I was a kid. A few years ago - the same kinda bird flew down onto my shoulder as I played in the front garden. Dont ask me why, it just did. I've loved gardening since I was a kid. I think Waheguru's creation is beyond words. The beauty is everywhere. This is why I fail to understand why 'athiests etc.' question and say if 'God is real, where is he? Why is their so much pain in the world if he is so great?' Well then I say to those of you who feel that way that all you have to do is look at the creation, look at the complexity.
Kbir krqu hY pwq pq fwlI ]2]khabar karath hai paath path ddaalee
2He takes care of every leaf and branch. 2

jw krqw isrTI kau swjy Awpy jwxY soeI ]jaa karathaa sirat(h)ee ko saajae aapae jaanai soee
The Creator who created this creation-only He Himself knows.

Pick up something as small and 'simple' (to the human thought) as a leaf. Then look closer. It is so beautiful, complex and wonderous that it could not have just happened from say a 'big bang'. Look at its veins and colours and think about how they change along with the seasons...

kir kir vyKY kIqw Awpxw ijv iqs dI vifAweI ]kar kar vaekhai keethaa aapanaa jiv this dhee vaddiaaee
Having created the creation, He watches over it Himself, by His Greatness.

I believe that Waheguru created us and left us to it and only intervenes when Waheguru Ji wants to...this is Hukam...There is a bigger picture that we can never possibly understand and why should we try? The bad things that occur in this world only occur because of bad people. So why should Waheguru be blamed for this? What we should be thinking always is 'WHen you hurt the creation, you hurt the creator!'

Friday, 8 June 2007



A heartfelt welcome to my blogspot. This is the first time I've kept a blog but I felt I'd give it a shot. A little about me (for those who wanna know)... I'm a member of the Sikh faith...the 5th largest religion on the planet. I came into Sikhi a few years back... I grew up in a household of non-orthodox Sikhs who believe in God but have never really been into religion. I've always been quite spiritual yet I never really knew much about my faith...after doing a lot of research and being inspired in a number of ways I decided to tread on the path of Sikhi. I wear a dumalla styled dastaar (which took aaaages to tie) but I am not yet a Khalsa...I hope to (with Maharaj's Kirpa) take Amrit in April and become a true daughter of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Mata Saheb Kaur....